Here are some ways you can help:
Your physical time and effort
We would appreciate your offer of your time to help with an activity like assembling our Umbrella Hearts Ribbons, sorting donations, packing boxes ready for shipment, plus other activities - contact us to offer your assistance.
Giving is a very important and considered action, the amount or style of your gift will be gratefully accepted and you can be assured your donation will be used to enrich the lives of disadvantaged people and the communities we support.
Monetary donations
Donations of over $2 are Tax Deductible {Australia}
We accept donations of any amount with gratitude and thanks.
An example of what your donation can achieve in the communities we support in the Philippines
​$35 will purchase a child's school kit including school uniform and stationery supplies
$80 will provide chickens and associated needs for setting up a small community poultry farm
$350 will provide a sewing machine and basic sewing tools to help a community start a sewing business
$1,500 per year will enable a worthy young person to attend university
$3,500 will provide a hollow-block making plant/machine and start the community making their own accommodation, etc. It could also start-up a community hollow-block making business
Above are examples of what your donation can achieve, however, your donation actually achieves much more than listed above.
Donation of these needed items help children as well as their education
Teaching aids – for in-school use (new or new appearance only)
Reading books and educational toys (new or new appearance only)
Baby formula and powdered milk
First aid supplies
Children’s underwear sizes 2 – 12. (only new underwear accepted)
School supplies for children – exercise books, stationery etc. (new or new appearance only)
Toothbrushes, Toiletries, Combs etc. (only new accepted)
Small Items for Christmas Gifts
Small toys (very small) (new or new appearance only)
Small Notebooks and pens
Hair bands
Small items for men and women
Consider attending our events
Add your name to our mailing list to be advised of events
Giving Heart Project - your loose change can make a change
It’s amazing how fast loose change accumulates. Pick up a money tin from one of our team or at one of our events or contact us and we’ll get one to you.
Put your loose change in the money tin. When it’s full, give the tin back to us or deposit the contents into our fundraising bank account noted on the tin.
Do you have suggestions for fundraising events? Our Fundraising event manager would be happy to discuss these and other ideas with you.
Become a Travel Team member:
Join a Volunteer Travelling Team to a supported community and provide your skill, assistance, support and encouragement.
Joining a team is an application process and we will be happy to discuss this process with you.
To assist you in making an informed decision, our team will provide you with relevant information.
This information will provide you with what we and the supported community expect from you and what you can expect from us.
Joining these teams often has a side effect:
Not only does it change the world of those we support
but the volunteer often has a life changing experience themselves.
Together we can change the world, one community at a time.
Will you be part of this life changing movement?